Frequently Asked Questions

We have highlighted our most frequently asked questions. We hope this covers everything you need, if not please send us an email and we'll get back to you.

Q. How do we recruit?

Depending on the recruitment criteria, we tend to free find. This way we can ensure fresh respondents, although we do have an extensive database which enables us to snowball into finding someone who fits a tight criteria.

Q. How do we ensure good attendance?

Of course incentives are key! With years of experience of meeting people and recruiting we can usually get a feel for genuinely interested respondents. We always contact our recruits the day before the research ensuring that they have the correct venue, address and timings.

Q. How much notice do we require?

Fast turn around projects are not a problem as we have recruiters available for last minute projects.

Q. Can we create client screeners?

Of course, no problem! We have set questions to find out demographics and make sure no repeat attendees. We are also happy to work with pen portraits.

Q. What is the incentive amount?

Lots of factors are taken into account. For example, recruitment difficulty, subject, timings etc. But we do understand clients don't have endless budgets and this is taken into consideration.

Q. Can r3search moderate?

Yes! Over the years we have worked with freelance moderators who are available to moderate and write reports on findings.